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Developing your launch plan

Do you think that launch plans are for businesses / products / services / initiatives only?

Well they can be for people too ... especially if you are starting a new job in a senior position.

Gone are the days of leaving it to chance. If you are a big hire for a company then you are going to want to be in control of your narrative from day one.

Not only that, you are going to be in high demand and if you aren't clear on where you need to focus your energy you'll quickly feel overwhelmed ... and the impact that you wanted to make will be more like a slowly deflating balloon than a big bang.

So, what should you include in your launch plan?

  1. Set clear objectives and measures - so you know whether you are on track 30, 60, 90 days into post

  2. Map out who you need to build relationships with first - both inside and outside of your organisation

  3. Get clear on your key messages - what do you want people to know about you and your plans

  4. Consider the questions you'll want to find answers to as you get out and about - also consider how you are going to test what you learn

  5. Plot out how you are going to be visible - be as detailed as possible in developing your rhythm to communicate and engage with those that matter

Thinking this through in advance of starting in post will help you to hit the ground running and quickly build momentum.