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Don’t let your best laid plans go awry - reframe!

So, can you believe that we are only in the second week of January 2021?!

A lot has already happened (and that’s some understatement!). It may have been tempting to throw in the towel when all your good intentions were potentially messed up.

The great news is that you don’t have to tear it all up and start again, or give up completely. Instead, use this as an opportunity to get creative and reframe the situation.

Not sure where to start? Here are my five tips to help you get back on track:

  1. Look at the bigger picture. What are you really trying to achieve?

  2. Flip the negative to a positive. Challenge to opportunity.

  3. Look again at your assumptions. What would happen if you did the opposite?

  4. Ask yourself different questions. ‘How can I…’ questions can really help.

  5. Break it down into smaller, manageable chunks. What one action can you take now?

My reframe is that by delaying some of my plans I've been given the gift of extra time to bring some other projects forward and really focus on the planning and development in a way I couldn't have before.

What is your reframe?

And if you need some help to kickstart your planning - don’t forget the FREE ‘reflect and reset’ business planning workbook is still available to download.