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Why does your personal vision matter?

If you work for a company why does your personal vision and strategy matter?

An organisational strategy provides the overall direction for a business, but its most senior leaders - usually the Board - will want confidence that its people (including the CEO) are able to design and deliver it.

That's where your personal vision and strategy helps you to stand out. It shows them...

  • how you are aligned to or can shape the bigger picture

  • how you can bring something new, different or innovative

  • how committed you are for the business to succeed

  • how well you will manage - what you will prioritise, where you will adapt, what you will protect

  • how you will take people with you.

From recruitment to regular performance reviews they will be looking for evidence of your personal vision and strategy. And the more senior you become, the more important it is for you to be able to easily articulate it as part of your narrative.

Are you clear on what your vision and strategy is?