Sunday skies

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Look up to the skies and see…

So today, 1 October, marks the first day in a new chapter for my career.

If someone had told me two years ago that I would be launching my own business, I would have laughed.

But here I am!

After 20 years working for other people I was ready to be my own boss. I wanted to be able to create a flexible worklife that would allow me to focus on other things. I wanted to break out of the bureaucracy and office politics that took me away from what I really loved in my job.

My epiphany moment came when I was on my belated honeymoon in Hawaii. I began to feel human again and had the space and opportunity to reflect on what I wanted to do in my life. I returned home and handed in my notice within the week. It was the best decision I made.

Developing sunday skies has been a real passion project for the past six months. I spent a lot of time plotting out what I loved doing, what my zone of genius was and what people valued from me the most.

I really explored what I saw as the common issues for the modern-day leader and business owner. From my experience, I had seen far too often, operationally brilliant people failing to connect with others, scared to show their true self and therefore not achieving their full potential.

But I also knew with the right support and coaching that good managers could become great leaders - with outstanding communication, connection and conversation.

I had witnessed it first-hand with people that I had worked with and supported.

It is that belief and understanding that flows through all the packages I offer at sunday skies.

So, I welcome you to join me on the journey.