Sunday skies

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Understanding your purpose, vision & values

One of the questions I often get asked is why a leader - or business owner - needs a personal brand, vision and strategy. Especially if they own or work for a company that has its own identifiers and direction.

Whether you realise it or not, you already have a personal brand - it's what you say, what you do, how you behave, how you communicate and interact with others, how you think, what you stand for (and against) and the decisions you make.

You'll have your perception and then there will be the perception of others, what their experience of you is like, how they feel about the actions you take, what you bring to a situation, whether you are authentic etc etc.

Your personal brand will help you get recruited or win new business.

It will make the difference between whether you take people with you or not.

Working in a company that has its own brand, vision and strategy doesn't mean you don't have to work on your own (for all the reasons above). Naturally there will be some alignment, otherwise you wouldn't be there. But the fact is, a business will be looking for the uniqueness you bring (your brand and vision) in order for them to succeed.

So, ask yourself today:
- what is my personal brand? how would I describe it to someone else?
- what would other people say about me? (extra brownie points if you actually ask other people!)

What do the answers throw up for you?