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Are you ready to make an impact in your new role?

You've got that new job - congratulations - now what are you going to do?

Being appointed as CEO or director for an organisation is a big deal. You've put a lot of work in to get this far.
You don't want to blow it within the first few weeks!

Get intentional about your entrance...

The 100-day plan is a six-month package of intensive support, offering a blend of coaching and ‘done-with-you’ consulting.

I will be with you every step of the way from preparing for your first day in post to reporting back after your first three-months and, beyond that, setting you up to sustain your momentum.

I draw from my 20 years of experience as a communications and engagement specialist, as a senior leader within the public sector (before I set up my business) and my expertise of helping CEOs and directors to transform their personal impact and establish themselves in post.

I will help you to develop a strategy for success in your new role. We will map out the who, what, where, when and why for your first days in post.

We will create a unique and totally-you message that will help you to tell your story, your way.

And we will build your confidence to communicate in a way that will truly connect.

Following a three-step framework (Brand - Strategy - Delivery) you will be able to fast-track your contribution, build your credibility and get buy-in for your vision.

This programme is close to my heart as I've seen the impact when leaders have failed to make that all important first connection.

And often it is because they have underestimated the new skills they need to embrace as a senior leader, and feel too exposed and vulnerable to admit they need support.

That's where I can offer a safe space to explore, as well as build your skills and confidence along the way.

Full details available here.

If you are about to start, have just started a new job - or know someone - then book your free inspiration call.