Want success in your new CEO role?


Maximise your impact in 100 days or less by getting clear on your big vision, create a strategy that connects and the communications plan to deliver it. 


Getting to CEO-level is not easy.
Staying there is harder still.

The average UK CEO tenure is less than five years, and it’s even lower for public sector leaders. Meanwhile, 50% of executives don’t make 18 months in post!

As a high achiever, I know you want to beat those odds and succeed in post.

Failure is not an option.

That’s why it’s essential you don’t leave those first days and weeks in your dream job to chance. Being intentional with what you will see, say and do is a must-have first step if you’re going to have the best chance of making the right impact.

No matter where you are in your CEO journey, through my unique blend of coaching and done-with-you consulting, I will give you the strategy, support and space to succeed in post.


“Lee helped me to understand and communicate the leader I wanted to be. She enabled me to motivate, engage and inspire my teams through my vision, values and ambition for excellence in both performance and delivery of our strategic aspirations.”


As excited as you are about starting this new role, there are 101 things going through your mind…

  • Will you meet the expectations of the Board

  • What’s the organisation like and will you fit in

  • What’s your team like and will they support you

  • Who should you be meeting with and when

  • How are you going to juggle the competing demands

  • Are people going to support your ideas

  • How do you filter all the information you’re being bombarded with

  • You want to be seen to be taking action, but what’s the right first move

  • What’s the right balance between action and strategy

  • How are you going to achieve a balance with your personal life

  • How are you going to live up to or distance yourself from the legacy of your predecessor

You could wait until you start the job to begin tackling these worries.

But what will you do on day one when everyone is looking at you?

With the stakes so high are you willing to leave it to chance?

Series of cogs spelling out IMPACT - Imagine, Manage, Persuade, Align, Communicate, Test

Use my six steps to make an IMPACT framework™️…

With the 100-day plan we’ll work through my framework to develop your personal masterplan that will achieve maximum impact in minimal time.

Offering a blend of coaching and ‘done-with-you’ consulting, I will be with you every step of the way from preparing for your first day in post to reporting back after your first three-months and, beyond that, setting you up to sustain your momentum.

Who’s it for: new, established or aspiring CEOs looking to maximise the impact they make in their new role, without the overwhelm and in a way that suits their style and personality.


Get ready to make an IMPACT
with my six step framework


Developing your vision & strategy


Setting yourself up for success


Building & knowing your network


Creating understanding amongst your teams


Helping people to understand you & your strategy


Learning about the state of the organisation

I draw from my 20 years of experience as a communications and engagement specialist, as a senior leader within the public sector (before I set up my business) and my expertise of helping CEOs and directors to transform their personal impact and establish themselves in post.

I will help you to develop a strategy for success in your new role. We will map out the who, what, where, when and why for your first days in post. We will create a unique and totally-you message that will help you to tell your story, your way. And we will build your confidence to communicate in a way that will truly connect.

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Together we will fast-track your contribution, build your credibility and get buy-in for your vision.


 What are the deliverables?

No two CEO positions are the same. As such we will create YOUR masterplan that will respond to the unique challenges and opportunities that you face.

You will be able to answer:

  1. How you are going to assess the organisation’s state and determine your top priorities

  2. How you will communicate and connect people to your vision

  3. How you will build the right relationships and develop an aligned senior team

  4. How you will manage yourself and your office to avoid overwhelm and maximise your effectiveness

Using the six-step Impact framework you will be able to…

  • set measurable objectives for what you want to achieve in your first few months

  • understand the challenges you and your organisation face - get answers to the questions that will help you to set the longer-term strategy

  • articulate a vision & narrative that is reflective of you and the first impression you want to make in your organisation

  • identify your key stakeholders and priority contacts that you will need to build important relationships with

  • filter everything that you see and hear, separating the quick wins from the long-term, to focus your priorities, get clarity on your direction, and articulate your plans to others

  • determine who you need around you and achieve alignment across your senior team

  • set up your office to execute with ease and get you working on the things that only you can do

  • set boundaries and manage your own time and effectiveness

  • achieve credibility and momentum

  • create a bespoke communications & connection plan to support your on-boarding process

  • … and much more!

Hit the ground running from day one


What’s involved?

This is my signature package and offers you maximum, hands-on support and a safe space to explore, with the bonus of my expert eye on your communications and materials.

Through three half-day strategy sessions we will work through the six-step impact framework to develop your own masterplan.

You will arrive at your unique set of actions focussed on what’s important for you and your organisation at this time.

You will do the big thinking before day one in post and come away with everything mapped out and ready to go.

You will get:

  • An initial discussion to map out the focus and your priorities for our time together

  • Information gathering before we start

  • 3 half-day strategy and planning sessions

  • A launch masterplan document that breaks down the who, what, where, when and why week-by-week, to help you keep on track so you don’t need to figure it all out once in post

  • Key narrative done with you

  • Communications and engagement planner done with you

  • Email, WhatsApp and phone support throughout the process and for one-month after our final session

In addition, executive coaching sessions and additional strategy days are available on request to run alongside the implementation of this plan.

Investment starts at = £5,400

What they say…

“Working with Lee I became more confident to step outside my comfort zone, whilst still being true to myself, my style and approach.”

“Lee’s style is creative and practical. She takes time to understand and provides invaluable feedback in a skilled way. Authenticity and making a difference matter to her and that shines through in her approach.”

“It's great to have someone who is so person focussed, empathetic while giving you those is important challenges to ensure growth.”

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Are you ready to take that next step?

When we work together, I offer you a safe space to explore.

I will be there when you need that support, and I will meet you at your pace.

I understand that what might be your priority at the beginning of our time working together could change as life and work changes! That’s fine and, to be honest, is completely expected.

I work with a limited number of people at any one time, so you can be sure of my complete focus on you and your goals.

So if you are ready to transform your impact, book a confidential call with me and from there I will develop a bespoke proposal for you to review.


Not starting a new job but still want to supercharge your impact?

The IMPACT accelerator is for you

Take a 360° look at your leadership impact and make the changes that are right for you and your organisation.

Perfect for senior leaders with vision and an ambition to achieve but need that something extra.