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Can you afford not to?

I've been talking to a few people about the 100 day plan and one of the questions that's cropped up is why an organisation would support an individual to induct themselves in this way.

It's a big investment in time and money and may be seen as a delay to getting business done.

I get that, but when you take into consideration that 50% of executives fail within the first 18 months of being in post AND it costs two and a half times the salary to re-recruit into that post... can organisations really afford not to support their new starter to make the right impact?

Having a 100 day plan is a business win for the organisation too.

Aside from the costs and considerations that come with hiring a replacement. Organisations will also benefit from:

  • Time saved as the new starter adapts to the organisation in a more planned and purposeful way

  • Improved employee satisfaction due to the emphasis on relationship building

  • Improved performance as people understand where the organisation is going and their role within it.

If you're recruiting to a senior leadership post in your organisation and want to have a chat about how a 100 day plan can help you and your new recruit then book a free inspiration call.