Your secret weapon to becoming
an impactful leader

You are an expert in your field.

You’ve got to where you are because of that expertise.

You’re ambitious for more … but something is holding you back.

  • The more senior you’ve become, the more expectations have been placed on you and it’s pushing you way out of your comfort zone.

  • You’ve received feedback that you need to do more to raise your profile, take people with you, help the Board to understand your plans, align your team, contribute fully to discussions about the wider business, build relationships and your network externally.

  • It’s feeling pretty lonely at the top, you hadn’t thought about – and it wasn’t part of your training – to develop these ‘softer’ skills. You can see your peers succeeding and you can’t help but to compare.

  • It is so nuanced that you don’t even know how to articulate what you need to change. You’re not sure where to start and there is no-one within your organisation who you can really open up to and be vulnerable with. After all, they are looking to you for the same guidance and support.

If you said yes to any of the above, know that you do not have to do this on your own. My coaching is designed with you in mind.

What if you could build your confidence, develop your connection and transform
your impact in six months?

The executive coaching package will do just that – and more – to really up-level your leadership.

I will help you to get laser focussed on what’s important and provide that safe space to explore the real issues.

Together we will establish a way forward that is 100% you. No spin or bull.

Leaders I have worked with have extraordinary stories of transformation, achieving things that they never thought possible. For example:

  • Improving organisational performance across key metrics

  • Approached by headhunters

  • Standing up and talking to packed auditoriums

  • Contributing to national groups and reviews

  • Leading system/sector-wide programmes

  • Being named as a top CEO in national publications

And more …

  • Landing their first CEO roles

  • Developing organisational strategies, built through wide-ranging engagement and consultation

  • Transforming organisational culture and staff engagement

  • Rebuilding relationships with local stakeholders and communities

  • Successfully delivering change programmes

In their own words…

“Lee helped me to understand and communicate the leader I wanted to be. She enabled me to motivate, engage and inspire my teams through my vision, values and ambition for excellence in both performance and delivery of our strategic aspirations.”

Neil, CEO

“Lee’s coaching and expertise gave me the confidence and skill to lead presentations countywide with local communities shaping future healthcare provision. Lee also worked with me on a comprehensive strategy for nursing, a framework that I have used to lead my teams in two large organisations.”

Carolyn, Director of Nursing 

What happens when you work with me?

Each session is designed around you - your priorities, your goals and the things that matter to you most.  

After our initial call, I will develop a proposal about how we can work together and what my suggested approach would be.

The package typically consists of:

  • DISC psychometric test and analysis

  • One three-hour kickstarter

  • Five two-hour coaching sessions

  • Direct email and phone support throughout.


When we work together…

I become your strategic partner and a safe space for you to explore. I will be there when you need that support, and I will meet you at your pace. I understand how demanding it is working at a senior level and so don’t expect you to bottle everything up until our next session.

And I know things happen … what might be your priority at the beginning of our time working together could change as life and work changes! That’s absolutely fine and, to be honest, is completely expected. The beauty of coaching is that we go where you need to go. There is no rigid timetable or formula we have to follow.

I work with a limited number of people at any one time, so you can be sure of my complete focus on you and your goals.

Investment: £4950

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Whether you are already a CEO, a senior director or you have one hand on the back of that Board seat and are just waiting to get invited to sit round the table, then I would love to hear from you!

The first step is to book a confidential inspiration call with me and from there I will develop a bespoke proposal for you to review.  

Are you ready to become the impactful leader that I know you can be?

Thank you for your interest
Now, let’s take that next step…