5 questions to ask before day 1 in the new job

If you've been part of the sunday skies community for a while, I'm sure you will have heard me say that starting a new job begins before day one.

It's more than just choosing a new notebook and working out how you're going to get to the office (although both are very important too!).

What you do in your first days and weeks will set the tone for the months and years ahead.

So you need to think it through carefully.

Here are five questions to ask yourself:

1. Who are the most important people I need to get to know? Everyone will be vying for your time and attention... be clear on which relationships are going to be the most important to build.

2. What questions do I need to find the answers to?
Information will be coming at you from all directions. Being clear on the questions you want answers to will help you to sort and filter.

3. How am I going to test what I am learning?
You can't take everything at face value. Stay curious. Challenge your own perceptions.

4. What is my narrative?
Decide what are the most important messages that you want people to know about you and your plans. Be consistent. Share your story.

5. How will I communicate and engage with people?
Build that connection with your staff, stakeholders and the people you listed for Q1. Start a dialogue, discuss what you are learning and how that is shaping your plans.

Answering these will not only make sure you hit the ground running but also gives a focus that won't leave you feeling like a headless chicken.


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