How to network like a pro

Networking is an expected part of a senior leader's role, but it isn't something that either comes naturally or feels very comfortable for many.

I know, even now, the thought of being in a room full of suits all pushing their agenda and business cards upon me, fills me with dread.

But networking doesn't have to be like that. Here are a few ways you can start networking like a pro...

Find a style that suits you - not all networking is the same, so look for opportunities that work for you. Don't like large, forced events, find a smaller talk or training session so the focus is less on the networking and more on the shared learning opportunity.

Be clear on your purpose - why do you need to network? How could it help you or your organisation, now or in the future?

Pick and choose what you attend - you don't have to be at everything. Get strategic, focus on those that best align with your purpose.

Research - the more you know about an event and the people attending - and which ones you want to build relationships with - the more prepared you'll feel.

Prep for conversation - I don't mean cue cards at the ready, but think of a few interesting questions you could ask. And make sure you can quickly and easily get across your key messages (who you are & what you do) in a way that people will remember.

Follow-up - the whole point of networking is developing connections, so find a way to quickly follow up with those you're interested in (aka aligned with purpose). Is it dropping them a LinkedIn request or email afterwards, perhaps it's getting a date in the diary to continue the conversation. You don't have to be asking for anything, it's more about nurturing the relationship at an early stage... who knows where it may lead.

And if you want to ease in, you could always volunteer on a committee or join a mastermind group.

What's the one thing that you love or hate about networking?


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