Are you getting buy-in?

How many times have you seen this happen?
Business announces changes and days later (sometimes sooner) they are having to about turn because of the response.

Unfortunately this happens all too often. And even if they don't have to u-turn, relationships will be damaged and trust lost.

As a leader in a new job, the temptation to make quick changes in order to demonstrate your value can be high. But done badly it can have a lasting impact on your reputation and effectiveness.

Here are three tips to develop buy-in for your plans.

1. Get input at an early stage - involve people to shape your thinking. They will know more than you and often have better ideas. Your plans will be much stronger for it AND you'll build support along the way.

2. Make sure you answer 'what's in it for me? - and the 'me' isn't you, but the people affected by your plans. If they don't understand how it will make a difference to them then they're less likely to change.

3. Actively communicate - talk about it, talk about it again and talk about it some more. You don't announce it once and then go underground. Keep people informed, provide answers to their questions, be open and honest. If you're quiet someone else will fill the void and your plans could go awry.

Which of these do you struggle with the most? Let me know in the comments.


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