sunday skies thinking…
Knowing your stakeholders
Conceptually people understand the need to engage their 'stakeholders' but often don't know where to start or how to define who their stakeholders are.
How DISC can help you to improve your connection
DISC gives the leaders I work with brilliant insights into their communication style, interpersonal skills and shows how they can build better connections with their team, customers and communities.
How to stay connected as a leader
Staying connected doesn't happen by accident. You'll need to be intentional in your actions and set the tone for others.
Here are 8 ways you can stay connected…
Are you really listening?
When you're talking to someone are you really listening to what they're saying or are you waiting for the opportunity to jump into the conversation and get your point across?
Becoming a better listener isn't something that happens overnight. You need to work at it and take time to reflect on how effective you think you are.
Are you ready to make an impact in your new role?
Being appointed as CEO or director for an organisation is a big deal. You've put a lot of work in to get this far. You don't want to blow it within the first few weeks! Get intentional about your entrance...
How to network like a pro
Networking is an expected part of a senior leader's role, but it isn't something that either comes naturally or feels very comfortable for many.
Are you getting buy-in?
As a leader in a new job, the temptation to make quick changes in order to demonstrate your value can be high. But done badly it can have a lasting impact on your reputation and effectiveness.
So how can you start getting buy-in for your plans?
What CEOs are looking for
A CEO needs to make sure their team will reflect and represent the vision and strategy they are trying to execute. They are not so much interested in your specialist knowledge but more about the other things that you can bring to the table.
Why you need to adapt your communications style
A one-size-fits-all approach won't work as a leader if you want to make that all-important connection.
Instead you need to learn how to adapt your style in a way that will be meaningful and understood to a range of people.
Building trust
Every part of your business is an opportunity to build connection. Build that trust.
And nowadays, people are also looking to businesses and leaders to be reflecting their views and standing up for the things that they believe in.
Developing your launch plan
Do you think that launch plans are for businesses / products / services / initiatives only?
Well they can be for people too ... especially if you are starting a new job in a senior position.
Visible leadership
Whether you are a company of 1 or work in an org with 1000s - as a leader - the expectation of being visible can seem unrealistic, overwhelming or leave you scared!
Yet it's something you need to proactively manage.