Building trust

If you got a letter through the post from your bank, but the logo looked like it had been photocopied and distorted and the formatting was a mess, you'd think it was a bit dodge right??

You'd certainly think twice about taking whatever action it said on the letter?

You'd be less likely to trust it?

Now, think about your own business...

Is what you're saying and how you're doing it likely to be trusted by those who matter to you most?

Your staff? Your customers? Your communities?

Every part of your business is an opportunity to build connection. Build that trust.

From the experience or service you provide, to the look and feel of your communications. The words you say and the actions you take.

And nowadays, people are also looking to businesses and leaders to be reflecting their views and standing up for the things that they believe in.

As trust in media, the government and religious leaders fall, people are now looking to local business leaders and their own employers to show the way.

In fact, the latest Edelman trust barometer showed that 86% of people surveyed expected CEOs to publicly speak out on societal issues.

Staying silent is no longer good for business.

So tell me honestly, how well are you building trust in your business?


Why do CEOs fail?


Developing your launch plan