Season’s greetings

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Well, we’ve almost made it to the end of 2020! And what a year…

No-one could have foreseen the year that has been – it has and continues to throw up many challenges. But I hope, through it all, that it has also bought you some positivity, opportunity or a fresh perspective.

Looking back at the beginning of the year, I set myself three goals. One of those was that, by September, I would have decided what I wanted next in my career (I was six months into a career break by then) and taken the first steps to achieve it. At that point I had no idea that I would be running my own business by the end of the year!

During the first lockdown, I developed my plans for sunday skies and started to take action. I’m actually pretty proud that I took the step into the unknown and, have not only launched my business, but, already started to build a brilliant community of likeminded people (another one of my goals).

I want to thank you for your support over the past few months, you are part of the sunday skies start-up story! I hope that I will be able to reciprocate that support over the coming months and years.

And what does 2021 have in store? I’m not sure I’d like to predict that, but I do have some exciting developments and collaborations planned (and you’ll be the first to know when they launch).

Forward planning for my business is something that I take seriously and make time for – it’s not just big business that needs to keep its house in order! So as a little thank you gift, from me to you, I would like to share my business planning workbook ‘reflect & reset 2021’.

I hope you find it a useful resource for your business. And if it throws up anything that you would like to explore further then I would love to hear from you.

Whatever you have planned for the festive period, I hope you have the chance to switch off and unwind – you deserve it!

Take care … Lee


Reframing 2020


What are your business resolutions for 2021?