What are your business resolutions for 2021?

So, it’s that time of year where we start to think about what has passed (and it has been a year for sure!) and make our plans for the year ahead. We might have a new year’s resolution or two, we may develop a vision board, or maybe set ourselves a challenge to complete.

But how many of us take the same approach with our business? 

Having worked in big businesses for the past 20 years, developing an annual plan was part of the routine. And when I set up sunday skies I adapted this process for my own business.

As a small business why do I need a business plan?

  1. You learn more about your business – what has worked, what hasn’t, who your ideal client is and how you meet their needs best

  2. It provides clarity and focus on the actions you need to take

  3. It helps you to prioritise your time within the business

  4. It guides your promotional and marketing activities

  5. It identifies what support you might require

How does it work?

My ‘reflect and reset workbook’ guides you through the planning process.

Firstly, it asks you to consider what has happened in your business over the past year. This is important, not only to recognise your achievements (and there will be some I promise!) but to help you to identify where things might need to be changed or developed over the coming year.

Then we get all intentional for 2021. The ‘reset’ section helps you to outline your big vision for the year ahead, then in three-monthly segments you break this down into measurable goals and key actions. You will also consider what support you might need and what your contingency plan might look like. The more specific you can be, the easier you will find it.

Your business plan isn’t something to complete once and forget about. It should be a live document that you regularly review. And its ok if you need to amend your plan as the year progresses – things happen; by having a plan it will help to more easily identify what is and isn’t working and you can take action more quickly.

Get your FREE ‘reflect and reset’ workbook here. I’d love to know what you think of it.

And if you want to get even more intentional with your business next year take a look at my ‘build your brand’ package.


Season’s greetings


But, I'm only the Finance Director