Why you need to adapt your communications style

I bet you that in any room you sit in the people who surround you will all be different.

Even if you are in a room of die-hard Star Trek fans.

Some will be introverted. Some extroverted. Or maybe Ambiverted!

Some will like to tell people what to do. Others will want to be told.

Some want to break the rules. Some make them. And some follow rules to the letter.

So, if you agree that's true, why would you insist on communicating with them all the same way?

A one-size-fits-all approach won't work as a leader if you want to make that all-important connection.

Instead you need to learn how to adapt your style in a way that will be meaningful and understood to a range of people.

What you say, how you say it and what you choose to say it through all need to be considered.

You'll have those who love the chance to talk to you face-to-face, whereas others might prefer the opportunity to reflect and so will ask questions online.

You'll have some situations where you need to be a bit more formal, but you'll need to ditch that when at a staff social.

Having your own communications and engagement planner can really help a leader to develop their own style and approach, make sure they are connecting with all the right people and make sure they get into a regular rhythm.

Have you got one?


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