Supercharge your leadership IMPACT


Take a 360° look at your leadership.


How do you know if you're making the right impact as a leader?

It comes down to three things…

  1. How you connect with people around your vision and strategy.

  2. How you communicate with confidence and clarity.

  3. How you set yourself up for success.

If you haven't got these right, you won't take people with you.

And if you don't take people with you your operational performance will suffer, staff morale and satisfaction will fall, customer experience will worsen and your reputation and relationships will fail.

“Lee helped me to understand and communicate the leader I wanted to be. She enabled me to motivate, engage and inspire my teams through my vision, values and ambition for excellence in both performance and delivery of our strategic aspirations.”

No-one is denying that you have the potential to do great things.

After all you’ve been promoted and promoted into those senior roles.

But something isn’t clicking and some people can’t see past what they’re being presented with on a daily basis.

Struggling to make an impact can show up in many different ways:

  • feeling overwhelmed by the competing priorities of the role

  • being too busy to take the time to do the strategy stuff

  • not being organised enough... lots of things are happening but no-one is joining the dots

  • getting so into the detail you haven't thought about what others need and want to know

  • struggling to get alignment amongst your own team, creating noise and conflicting messaging across the programmes you’re leading, leaving you exposed

  • relying on email and meetings to get things done, leaving people without the chance to engage properly

  • working reactively rather than proactively

  • conflicting with your peers because of different styles and approaches

  • not taking people with you because you a) don't have time, b) don't know how, c) all of the above.

If this sounds all too familiar then the IMPACT accelerator will give you the boost you need to succeed.

Six-step to IMPACT framework™️

My six-step framework to make an IMPACT…

The accelerator will help you to develop your personal masterplan that will have you achieving maximum impact in minimal time.

Offering a blend of coaching and strategy, I will be with you every step of the way as we work through where you’re at now, where you want to be and what you need to do to close that gap.

Who’s it for: people who want to lead with intent and impact without the overwhelm and in a way that suits their style and personality.

Get ready to make an IMPACT
with my six step framework


Developing your vision & strategy


Setting yourself up for success


Building & knowing your network


Creating understanding amongst your teams


Helping people to understand you & your strategy


Learning about the state of the organisation

 What are the outcomes?

No two leadership positions are the same. As such we will create YOUR masterplan that will respond to the unique challenges and opportunities that you face.

You will be able to answer:

  1. How you connect with people around your vision and strategy.

  2. How you communicate with confidence and clarity.

  3. How you set yourself up for success.

Using the six-step IMPACT framework™️ you will have…

  • filtered and organised your thoughts on your strategy and approach

  • figured out who and how you need to engage, influence and connect

  • developed your key messages and be able to communicate them with confidence and clarity

  • found ways to avoid the overwhelm and get some control and coordination into how you work

… and much more!

What’s involved?

The accelerator offers you maximum, hands-on support and a safe space to explore, with the bonus of my expert eye on your strategies, plans and communications.

Over eight weeks we will work through the six-step impact framework to develop your own masterplan.

You will arrive at your unique set of actions focussed on what’s important for you and your organisation at this time.

You will get:

  • Questionnaire to complete before we start

  • DISC psychometric profile and analysis to help us to understand your communication and connection preferences

  • An initial two-hour kickstarter session to map out the focus and your priorities for our time together

  • Three half-day (3hr) strategy and planning sessions based on the areas you want to focus on most. This could look like:

    • Session 1: IMAGINE & TEST - we look at your vision and strategy and get a better understanding of the organisation and context you are working in.

    • Session 2: ALIGN & MANAGE - we look at the situation of your team and start to focus on your ways of working, setting boundaries and taking care of yourself.

    • Session 3: PERSUADE & COMMUNICATE - we look at your network and where you need to build relationships aligned with your strategy. We also develop your narrative that pulls everything together clearly and succinctly and develop a plan that enables you to connect.

  • Ongoing email and WhatsApp support throughout the process so you can get feedback or ask any questions

In addition, executive coaching sessions and additional strategy days are available on request to run alongside the accelerator if you need more time and support.

Investment = £3,500

What they say…

Lee’s a brilliant coach with true expertise in this niche leadership development field.

“Lee’s style is creative and practical. She takes time to understand and provides invaluable feedback in a skilled way. Authenticity and making a difference matter to her and that shines through in her approach.”

“It's great to have someone who is so person focussed, empathetic while giving you those is important challenges to ensure growth.”


Are you ready to take that next step?

When we work together, I offer you a safe space to explore.

I will be there when you need that support, and I will meet you at your pace.

I understand that what might be your priority at the beginning of our time working together could change as life and work changes! That’s fine and, to be honest, is completely expected.

I work with a limited number of people at any one time, so you can be sure of my complete focus on you and your goals.

So if you are ready to transform your impact, book a confidential call with me and from there I will develop a bespoke proposal for you to review.


Want a safe space to explore and tackle some of the underlying issues affecting your impact?

Executive coaching will make the difference

Six months of support to maximise your performance.

I’ll help you to get focussed on the things that matter most and develop strategies and tactics to empower you to succeed.