sunday skies thinking…
Visible leadership
Whether you are a company of 1 or work in an org with 1000s - as a leader - the expectation of being visible can seem unrealistic, overwhelming or leave you scared!
Yet it's something you need to proactively manage.
Dealing with legacy
There are usually two types of legacy you will be faced with and both can trip up a new starter if they haven't thought through how they are going to handle it.
Preparing for that new leadership role
As a senior leader, what you do in those first days and weeks will set the tone and determine potentially how successful you are in post.
Why do leaders need a personal brand?
One of the questions I often get asked is why a leader - or business owner - needs a personal brand, vision and strategy. Especially if they own or work for a company that has its own identifiers and direction.
How often do you put yourself in the shoes of your customers?
It can be so easy to fall into a complacency trap of thinking you know what people want from your business.
My introvert life
I realised that being an introvert actually gave me my biggest superpowers ... listening and reflecting.
What are your boundaries?
You're not always going to be on top form as a leader ... and that's ok ... in fact that's great, it means you're human!
But, I'm only the Finance Director
The truth is, you might be a leader in your profession, but to be seen as a leader in your organisation you need to be interested and involved in all the areas that make up the business.